AION CLASSIC: 2.4 24.02

Votar por el proyecto
Sitio web: aion-history.netJUGAR
Tipo: PvE
Versão: v2.4
Rate: x1
Estado: En línea
En línea: 500
Votos: 0
Transiciones: 1719
Reseñas: 0
Redes sociales:
Agregado: 23/08/23
AionHistory is a unique project that has never been matched before. The game client of our project is recreated on the basis of the official Korean client "Aion Classic".

To start playing in our project, you do not need to subscribe, buy software to improve ping and go through a second verification. Just download the client and start playing for free.

Servidores de juego

Nombre País Rate En línea Versão Голосовать
Nejakan (Moscow)
x1 500 v2.4

Reseñas sobre el proyecto AION CLASSIC: 2.4 24.02

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