
Vote for Project
Website: beyond-aion.comPlay


Rate: x3
Type: PvE
Status: Online
Online: 500
Votes: 0
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Added: 20/05/24
PvPvE-Map with increased AP rates and boss spawns
Bounty Hunting - PvP kill rewards
Server buffs: 100% rate buffs on random days, random buffs during grinding and PvP, as well as supportive instance buffs on insufficient participants
Eternal Challenge (custom instance)
Vote 4 Nex
Farmable icon Membership Coin to exchange them for special items
Automatic Veteran Rewards
Bonus start items and Starter Kit to support the leveling process
Bonus package for newcomers
Refer a friend rewards - for referring and referred players
Max-Level Pack - for all of those, who don't want to level up themselves
player commands, like .preview for an item-preview, .buy to exchange icon Membership Coin, .noexp to disable experience gain or .nomorph to disable candy transformations
increased drops of icon Insignia of Conquest
Construction Fluxes in world drop
Courier Passes in instance bosses
icon Recovery Tea - 100% recovery upon completion of campaign quest series
Nice-to-haves, like gathering on mounts, mounts allowed in Silentera Canyon, etc.
regular events
no VIP
no Gold pack (8 characters per account, no limits on trading, chat, housing, etc.)
3 Accounts per player
3 crafting masterlevel per character
no 499 point limit for essence gathering and aether tappin